Vista Star Service Unit
A community for Girl Scouts and Adult Volunteers in the Hopkins School Area.
Sample Family Welcome Letters
Here are some sample family letters to get started to welcome new troop members.
As you can see, there are many different ways to run a troop. (Times to meet, dues/ no dues, uniform requirements)
Select what works for you and your families!
Sample Letter 1
Welcome and thank you for your interest in Girl Scouts!
We are getting Troop [TROOP] started and looking forward to many adventures this year. We are a [DAISY/BROWNIE/JUNIOR] troop in the Vista Star service unit of the Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys council.
Our regular meetings will be the DD DOW of every month, H:MM-H:MMpm. [Meeting Location]
Get started:
Please fill out a quick survey to provide our troop leaders with information on your girl and current status: (example, please do not use, but feel free to create your own in google forms.)
To register:
Materials: [Below is Daisy uniform costs]
We hope that our girls can have vests, council badges and troop number (as soon as possible), and the daisy badge set (to be distributed as they earn the petals). Total cost $41.25 + $8.50 shipping. Other accessories, including books, are optional. Scholarships are available. The materials can all be obtained either online or at a physical store: We can also do a bulk order through the troop (free shipping).
Upcoming activities:
In addition to monthly meetings, there will be optional activities with other troops, which we may go to as a group or as individuals. Some upcoming events include:
[Add events here that you are interested in for ideas, go to or for some ideas]
Thank you!
Troop [TROOP] leaders
Sample Letter 2
Dear Girl Scout Troop #00000 Parents,
The co-leader meeting took place Tuesday and the synopsis is WE'RE EXCITED TO LEAD THESE GIRLS!
Bear with me for this longish email...there are a few important points to go over.
We have our meeting times booked and the room is booked at [school] too. Our meeting space is Room #000.
{meeting dates here!]
Melissa and I thought that it would be easiest to order and pick up these items as a group...rather than require all families to make a trip down to the Girl Scouts Store. We will be opening the Troop bank account soon so that we can collect dues and then place an order.
We've learned that most Daisies prefer the vest over the tunic. So, we're going with the vest. There are several 'startup' badges/tabs/buttons that are placed onto the vest right away. I refer to these startup badges/tabs/buttons as Girl Scouts 'bling'. Our girls will start to earn badges at the first meeting and get fun patches too. The cost is $80 (tax included) for the uniform vest (complete with 'bling'), two books and their Daisy petals packet (includes 10 petals and the promise center). Rent for the room will total $120 for the entire school year ($10 an hour).
Here comes the kicker...our $100 dues will quickly be wiped out if we use them this way (for uniform(with bling)/first badges/literature/rent). So We propose that we ask for $130 in dues. $80 will go to for uniform(with bling)/first badges/literature. The remaining $50 will go to rent/art supplies/activity setup/etc.
We anticipate that this $000 will be the bulk of your family's investment for the full two years that your daughter will be a Daisy. Cookies and other fundraisers will hopefully take us the rest of the way. Whatever the Troop earns--the girls will get to help decide where the money goes.
I'm sincerely hoping that you all consider the proposed dues to be reasonable. By MM/DD/YYYY, please write your $000 check out to "Girl Scouts Troop #XXXX" and mail to:
The first meeting we ask that 1-2 parents attend with their daughter. We'll start the meeting with a quaint Girl Scouts Welcome Ceremony and then Melissa will provide a brief orientation for parents while Jen orientates the girls.
We will ask for 1-2 parents to attend the 'cookie meeting' mid-year.
All other meetings you are welcome to come, but not required. Our registered parent volunteers will be asked to help if we have to miss a meeting. Girl Scouts requires two adult chaperones for our 12 girls. We may want to increase that to 3 adults if our girls are surly at meetings. The registered parent volunteers will also be vital (to meet Girl Scouts chaperone requirements) for Troop events/field trips.
Our thought is to keep this to a minimum. We are assuming that the girls will have just had their dinner prior to the meeting and are going home for bedtime right afterward. There may be a few meetings where we do offer a snack (if it lends well to our activity) but we won't be passing around a snack 'sign-up' sheet.
Please be so kind as to respond to this email (Jen's email). Send me a quick 'okay' or any questions or comments. That way I know we are all on track with these updates!
Fondly, [Leaders Names]
Co-leaders for Girl Scouts Troop #1111111