Send a Girl Scout a Candygram!
Send a Girl Scout Candygram! Your valentine needs candy, and we can make it happen. Pick your favorite flavor and give us the delivery...
Camp Trefoil - Opening for a Co-director
Looking for a Day Camp Co-Director for Vista Star's Summer Day Camp, Camp Trefoil For over 20 years, Vista Star has held a week-long day...
Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) Training!
The 2020 Cookie Program begins February 15th and runs through March 29, 2020. It is recommended that each troop has a Troop Cookie...

SU Spot Light : Help Needed!
It takes a village to run the Vista Star Service Unit! Please reach out to suteam@vistastarsu.org if you can help us have the most...

July Newsletter
June Newsletter has been published and sent! https://mailchi.mp/887be472fe76/vista-star-july-2199093?=2dcb055fcd

IMPORTANT:To fulfill the Girl Scout requirement for a level 1 First Aider a leader must have both First Aid and CPR certification. Red...

June Newsletter
June Newsletter has been published and sent! https://mailchi.mp/b71f7518a471/vista-star-june-2178893?e=9ff6146fc6 Cookie sales are done...
April Newsletter
April Newsletter has been published and sent ! https://mailchi.mp/40edfe557b7e/vista-star-april-2135625?e=75cffa10cb​
Mother Daughter Day
May 5th, 1-4:30pm Mother Daughter Day It may not seem like Spring with Mother’s Day on the horizon, but it will be here before we know...

Stay Connected to the Vista Star Girl Scout Community!
We have many ways to stay connected! Volunteer Meetings and other events are on the SU Google Calendar. The Facebook Vista Star Private...